速報APP / 社交 / Blood Friend-Find Blood Donors

Blood Friend-Find Blood Donors





版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本




Blood Friend-Find Blood Donors(圖1)-速報App

Donating blood is not easy, only great mind can do this enormous work. Blood collection is tough work than ever especially when it’s urgent; Blood Friend app is doing this hard work indefatigably. This app helps to find out specific blood group donor when in need and keeps patient’s relative tension free which is a great relief one can imagine inasmuch everyone more or less went under this type of situation.

Services features -->

ALL DONORS: Here you can find history of registered donor with their blood group.

READY DONORS: You can search for your needed blood group here and they are instant ready for blood donation.

BLOOD REQUEST: All blood requests are keeping here and anyone can make their request or give blood on basis of request.

Blood Friend-Find Blood Donors(圖2)-速報App

COORDINATOR: The best part is all coordinator are ready here for any kind of service unusual for other apps. Coordinators are divided by central and district basis.

ORGANIZATION: Anybody can keep in touch with blood organization here as all kind of blood organization are sorted neatly.

TOP DONORs: Eligible donors are seen here; moreover, one can vote or rated donor as top by their activities.

Features to be noted:

-24/7 active blood donation service

-Donate blood as per one’s need

Blood Friend-Find Blood Donors(圖3)-速報App

-Connection with organization

-Get latest update for blood request

-Helps to keep connection between blood donor and needed person

-Contact anytime to coordinators in case of emergency or any query

-Keep in touch with all blood organization

-Can vote for donors for their services

Blood Friend-Find Blood Donors(圖4)-速報App

Furthermore, you can share on Facebook, join to our group, like us on Facebook, rate this app, search for more apps and add Campaign by just one click on top of corner.

Blood Friend-Find Blood Donors(圖5)-速報App